Online Holiday Party

Directly following a brief Open Board Meeting,  fill your champagne flute with a little bubbly and don your "gay apparel" as we toast the holidays!  A group photo will be…

Board Meeting via Zoom

If you would like to review Zoom technology, please send Dianne an email. The Zoom Room will open at 9:30am. Thank you!

Member Meeting – The GCA at 100!

Please watch for updates on this Member's meeting. An archivist from The Garden Club of America will bring the incredible history of the GCA alive. Please watch for upcoming information…

February is Workshop Month!

Most of the workshops have been cancelled due to Covid 19.  Others are under discussion and will be virtual. Details will be posted here when they are finalized. The Garden…

Member Meeting – Conservation

  Bench Shows Floral Design - 1970-80 Disco “Saturday Night Fever.” A traditional line design in which the element of line predominates usually emphasized by a restrained use of plant…

CTMG Meeting with Margaret Roach & Dan Benarcik


The Connecticut Master Gardener's invite you to their annual convention on March 20th.  Speakers include Margaret Roach (“Non-stop Plants: A Garden for 365 Days”) and Dan Benarcik Horticulturist at Chanticleer Garden…

Member Meeting with Kent Russell

Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens

Essentially born with a silver trowel in his hand, Kent Russell started his life in horticulture at his family's nursery, Russell Gardens in Bucks County.  Kent became a nationally recognized…

Goodbody Work Day

Goodbody Garden 900 Westover Road, Stamford