All Members Welcome. Bench Show Entries in place no later than 5:15. Judging & social hour 5:15-6:00. Speaker starts at 6:00 Speaker: Dan Colleluori, Director of Recycling and Sanitation, City of Stamford Topic: Dan’s Trash Talk: Where Does It All Go? Bring your recycling questions! Bench Shows Floral Design – Remember. Honor our Nation’s hero’s…
BARTLETT MEMBERS ONLY: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM GENERAL PUBLIC: 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM Hundreds of plants for you to choose from, for gardens with sun or shade, in dry areas or wet! Need blooms in mid-summer or late fall? You’ll find those. Herbs and veggies for summer picnics? We’ll have those. We feature…
Gift baskets, planters, additional plants, baked goods and more will be available Also Featuring...New! Planter Pop Ins: Refresh your existing planters with a lovely arrangement in biodegradable containers Create your own Mother’s Day Gift for Budding Gardeners 3-13 Proceeds go to:• Manage Shippan Point and Magee Ave Gardens• Provide community conservation and education• Fund annual…
1) Pick up plants and art work from schools (morning) and bring to Stamford Government Center. 2) Set up display tables at Government Center. 3) Assist judges with awarding ribbons.
The Riverside Garden Club presents Stephen Scanniello, Curator of the New York Botanical Garden's Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden. Mr. Scan-niello, is also a designer, rose historian and author of "A Year in Roses", "Easy Care Roses", "Rose Companions" and "Roses of America" Please R.s.v.p. to: by Friday, May 19th. There is no fee…