35 events found.
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Member Meeting – Conservation
Member Meeting – Conservation
Bench Shows Floral Design - 1970-80 Disco “Saturday Night Fever.” A traditional line design in which the element of line predominates usually emphasized by a restrained use of plant material: silhouette is open: voids exceed solids. To be viewed from 3 sides. Height not to exceed 24 nches. Accessories permitted. Horticulture - 1980’s Blossoming…
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CTMG Meeting with Margaret Roach & Dan Benarcik
CTMG Meeting with Margaret Roach & Dan Benarcik
The Connecticut Master Gardener's invite you to their annual convention on March 20th. Speakers include Margaret Roach (“Non-stop Plants: A Garden for 365 Days”) and Dan Benarcik Horticulturist at Chanticleer Garden who will show us how to create a strong foliar background to carry the garden when the floral aspects fade. Registration and information about the…