Member Meeting
April 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Silver Center will be open by 8:30 to allow members who clerk for judges the opportunity to join the meeting.
9:00 All Bench Show items in place: entry cards* completed, entry on table.
Floral Design
There will not be a Floral Design bench show this meeting.
Horticulture Schedule
You may make one entry into each class.
Early Bloomers
Class 1: A collection of 3 – 5 single stems of different species and/or cultivars cut from exhibitor’s garden. To be shown in a clear glass container of exhibitor’s choice.
Class 2: One to three mixed cut stems of native plants (annual, perennial, biennial, tuber, rhizome, bulb, shrub branch, tree branch) that are native to the Northeast. If pollinator friendly, please list what the plant(s) attract on the key card.
Your Indoor Garden: Par: An exhibit of exceptional horticultural merit that has been owned and grown by exhibitor for a minimum of 6 months. Entries will be judged individually against perfection. Containers must not exceed 14” diagonally. Provide saucer if necessary.
Class 3: Houseplants grown for foliage
Class 4: Houseplants grown for flowers
Photography: “Enchanted April”
9:00 – 9:40 Bench show judging, member arrival, social time
9:45 – 10:30 Meeting
10:30 Review / Learning Time : Bench Show Items
Each meeting, have in-depth discussion of one discipline’s entries: Floral, Hort, Photo. What was successful / what needs help?
Though points will be recorded, they will no longer be announced.
10:50 Regroup in main room
11:00 Speaker: Floral Design Guru to be announced.
Noon : Final Appreciation of Bench Show and depart.
*Link to Entry Cards: Entry Cards