Since 2011, the SGC has helped Stamford teachers show students where their food comes from with The Lettuce Challenge, an edible education program. Thanks to Sam Bridge Nursery, one-inch lettuce plugs, instructions and materials for growing the plugs are delivered to schools byy SGC members.
After carefully tending the plants for six weeks, each class chooses the best looking plants. The plants are transported by SGC members to The Stamford Government Center where plants are judged by local horticulturists and ribbons awarded. A Recognition Event is attended by students, parents and teachers. The Mayor of Stamford awards winners Blue Ribbons. Student participants report that this activity has been a fun way to learn what it takes to grow plants.
The 2024 School Lettuce Challenge was another winning success for the children in Stamford schools and The Stamford Garden Club! Participation is building back to our prepandemic levels with over 900 students participating this year.
Mayor Caroline Simmons awarded Best in Show-All 2nd grade to Brandon Catalan from Davenport Ridge Elementary and Best in Show-All Others to Maxwell Marsilius from Villa Maria.
Second Grade teachers have embraced the Lettuce Challenges as part of their science curriculum. As the Lettuce Challenge has grown, other grades have joined.
Thank you to Sam Bridge Nursery for providing the lettuce plugs the children. Thank you to Eastern Land Management for their years of support. And, THANK YOU to Stamford's Mayor Simmons, the teachers and school administration for their support.

Mayor Simmons with Brandon Catalan & Maxwell Marsilius.