9 events found.
Board Meeting
Bartlett Arboretum & GardensMember Meeting
Bartlett Arboretum & GardensThe Silver Center will be open by 8:30 to allow members who clerk for judges the opportunity to join the meeting. 9:00 All Bench Show items in place: entry cards*…
Greenwich Daffodil Society Show
Christ's Church 254 E Putnam Ave., Greenwicj, ConnecticutThe Greenwich/Connecticut Daffodil Society invites you to enter it's 67th Daffodil Show. There are both Horticultural and Floral Design categories. Awarded points will be added to your SGC points. ALL…
Board Meeting
Bartlett Arboretum & GardensMember Meeting
Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens5:15: All Bench Show items in place: entry cards* completed, entry on table. Though photography will not be a formal bench show, a prompt is provided and participation is encouraged.…
Container Workshop
Create a spring/summer container (one of your own or buy one) to be held at a local nursery. With a demo and purchase of your plant material focus on a…
Board Meeting
Bartlett Arboretum & GardensAnnual Meeting
Location TBD